Do you want to build your own indicators or your own strategies in stock market for buying or selling a stock based on historical data? Or you simply want to see what was the price of a particular stock 2 months back and 3 months back? Historical Stock Data using Google Spreadsheet is very easy or you can opt for some paid software or you have a broker account which shows chart on screen. So here is a better way to achieve this, using Google finance. Google Finance along with Google Spreadsheet can solve your problem of fetching historical data for any stock. And you can do your own calculation or research based on the historical data. Best part of this setup is you don’t need to manually update data every day. It updates by itself giving you fresh data every time you open your spreadsheet. That too without any overhead on your computer or without delays. I will here explain you how to fetch historical data for any stock listed on National stock exchange India. However you can do it for any exchange supported by Google Finance. All you need is Google Account, access to Google drive and some […]
Track and Manage Portfolio Using Google Spreadsheet Anywhere Anytime
Do you know that you can manage portfolio using Google Spreadsheet online. Many of us must be using Google drive as online repository or backup space for storing our files and sharing them with friends and relative. But very few of us know the fact that Google drive is not just a repository. But a cloud based application which can do wonders for you. It has lots of feature apart from having online spreadsheet and doc and. Also, you can even do scripting and run those scripts online on Google server anytime of the day without keeping your computer on. Today in this post we are going to discuss one of such feature of Google Drive using Google spreadsheet. It’s managing and tracking your stock portfolio in real time. Yes you heard right you can manage and track your stock using Google spreadsheet in real time. Google offers Finance ( as a site which keeps track of stock listed on many of the top stock exchanges across world. And also shows their real-time price along with historical price on their portal. Google spreadsheet has capability to import same data. It show them in a spreadsheet and on top of […]